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Join us in the race against Climate Change.

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Local Action


The East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network was formed in 2020 with help from Friends of the Earth. In March 2024 the Network became legally established as a Community Interest Company (CIC) registered with Companies House as East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network CIC (Company Number 15552552)


The purpose of East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network is to work to inspire, educate and persuade others to take action in their own lives and their communities to adapt to climate change, help facilitate a fair transition to net zero carbon emissions, increase biodiversity and reduce pollution, in East Cambridgeshire, England and the surrounding areas.
As Community Interest Company (CIC) we are a not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-political organisation.

Targets for 2025

Over the past four years we have carried out various activities – as you can see below. For 2025 we aim to increase and expand these activities across the whole of the East Cambridgeshire and surrounding areas by taking a rather more systematic approach that enables us to better monitor the impact of what we are doing to adapt to climate change and increase biodiversity in our area.

We will be utilising a number of tools and checklists to monitor activities and their impact. Three of these tools are:-
Council Climate Action Scorecards – consisting of the answers to 91 questions that were presented to councils
Locally Determined Contributions – being developed by Hughes Hall, Cambridge with Cambridgeshire County Council – based upon Nationally Determined Contributions
Parish Online – an online place-based mapping tool that could engage local communities to carefully map in detail indicators of adapting to climate change and increasing biodiversity.

Click here for our Articles of Association


The Group has organised a number of activities to inspire, educate and persuade others to take action in their own lives and encourage local communities to adapt to climate change with a fair transition to net zero carbon emissions. This is being done through regular informal monthly Earth Cafes in Ely. Spin-offs of these Earth Cafes have resulted in the formation of two Repair Cafes in Ely and Littleport. Other Earth Cafes have focused on a “Sustainable Food Workshop”, “Low Carbon Holidays”, “How to encourage Hedgehogs in your garden”, the “Importance of Wetlands and impact on Climate Change”, the “Climate Crisis & Democratic Engagement in Local Climate Action”
We have also run workshops on “Community Energy” Other projects that are slowly growing include establishing a “Business Green Group”, “Net Zero Training” courses.
We comment and offer advice on local governments policies and plans in Cambridgeshire at Parish, District, County and Combined Authority levels.
We also cooperate with other groups in Cambridgeshire like Cambridge Carbon Footprint, Friends of the Earth, Cambridge Cleantech, Transition Cambridge Energy Group.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” – Martin Luther King

Take Action Against the Biggest Threat Facing Humanity

It is not enough to simply wait for central government to take action. Nothing will change without people taking the initiative and putting pressure on those in positions of power to make the changes we need. In the face of such big challenges, it can seem overwhelming, but the lesson from the civil rights movement is that the more people who put their energy into forcing change, the more we will achieve.

We, as individuals and as a collective group, have a lot of power to change things. By working with the parish, district and county councils, local businesses, community groups and the combined authority, we can take steps to help tackle climate change on our doorstep. We can also create our own initiatives such as community renewable energy schemes as has been done elsewhere. We need active hope that we create through our actions rather than blind optimism.

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East Cambs: Committed to Combatting Climate Change

In 2019, East Cambridgeshire District Council declared a climate emergency. In doing so, they committed to actively work towards a more sustainable and greener future. As a group, East Cambs CAN will continue to push the district council to up their ambition on action to protect the climate and nature. Here are some of their actions so far:

Creating greater access to sustainable processes for the public.

Reducing carbon emissions from council-run buildings.

Supporting low-income homes with energy costs and grants for insulation.

Hiring a full-time climate change officer to drive forward action on environmental issues.

The council have pledged that its operations will be net zero carbon emissions by 2040 at the latest.

Switching to renewable energy – the council is planning to install solar panels on local authority-owned buildings and EV charging points in council car parks.

Investing in green spaces in the area to help create new wildlife habitats and lock up carbon with tree planting.

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